Category Archives: Humility

Friday Review … Humility

Thank you so much for your interest in The Insight, by Sheba. I hope you enjoyed this week’s blogs about “Humility.”

Next week’s topic will be “Celebrating others”

Friday Review: Happy Reading!

Humility is a character trait that is held in high regard but underutilized. Define what humility means to you and the many ways you can incorporate it into your daily life.

1.     Practice Something Good.

  • According to Aristotle, we possess an innate nature to want to aim our every action toward that which is good. The theory of learning moral virtues is simple. Seek to achieve something “good” in all you do and you will be “good.” Practice humility and you will be humble. Practice truthfulness and you will be honest. Practice friendliness and you will be kind. Make the steps today to choose your path to be the person you want to be.
2.    Is it a Lost Art?

  • Adopt an attitude of acts of kindness and give what you hope to receive in return. Be that person in all aspects of your life and lead others toward restoring the lost art of humility.

3.    What are Your Steps?

  • Humility is earned through actions.

4.     Or Respect.

  • Having the highest honorable respect for yourself and others is the essence of humility and a small part of the qualities we should possess as human beings.

The Insight: Humility is not chosen, it’s learned. It’s not given, it’s earned. Practice humility and you will be humble.

Have a wonderful weekend!

By Sheba

A Positive Perspective for Life, Love, and Relationships


Filed under Humility, Life, Love and Relationships

Humility . . . Or Respect.

The Scenario: The one personal quality that should unite us all, whether we choose to believe in a divine entity or not, is humility. In many religions it is a virtue of the highest regard used to describe the giving qualities that one should have.

Is humility, simply stated, an utmost form of respect?

Sample Explanations

Christianity: Humility is to be free from pride or arrogance and more interested in others than in oneself.

Judaism: The word anavah is derived from the Old Testament Lexicon anah and means condescension, human and subjective (modesty), or divine and objective (clemency) — gentleness, humility, meekness.

Catholicism: Humility is a modest estimate of one’s own worth and the ability to submit to others.

Islam: The word is derived from the Arabic word tawadu that means both modesty and humility. It is an awareness of one’s real position before Allah, and letting that realization guide one’s conduct toward Allah and toward other people.

Hinduism: Sankskrit word Ahamkara translates to the The-sound-of-I. When this sound is stilled you are in touch with your true being. Possessing a state of profound maturity in which the soul, deeply enthralled in the depths of understanding and compassion, emits the qualities of kindness, modesty, reverent respect and unpretentiousness.

Buddhism: A natural by-product of sovereign spiritual fulfillments that surpasses the ego, just as are the four noble states of mind — love, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.

The Insight: Possessing the highest honorable form of respect is the essence of humility and a small part of the qualities we should possess as human beings.

Do you have humility?

By Sheba

A Positive Perspective for Life, Love, and Relationships


Filed under Humility

Humility . . . What are Your Steps?

The Scenario: Humility. You have heard the word your entire life and know if you possess a fraction of its qualities you are on the path toward self-awareness, enlightenment, a better you or even being one with the divine.

Where do you begin?

Moving Toward Humility

1.     Extend your efforts

  • Be compassionate. When the opportunity to help others presents itself, gracefully take advantage of it even if it means going out of your way for a moment, but admit your limitations.

2.     Value talent

  • Openly value your talents and the talents of others with the sincerest of recognition or praise.

3.     Accept You

  • Accept your weaknesses and strengths as opportunities for improvement.

4.     Ask for help

  • Knowing when to ask for help is the key to success. Include others in your success and triumphs.

5.     Expose your vulnerabilities

  • Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings and express them with integrity in the efforts of positivity and resolution.

6.     Be unbiased and non-judgemental

  • You do not know the circumstances, situations, thoughts, feelings, fears, insecurities, struggles, sicknesses or goals of others so give others space to let them be themselves.

7.     Learn from your mistakes

  • Know that you will make mistakes but take the time to reflect, admit them openly and honestly, and  learn from them.

8.     Learn something from anyone everyday

  • Respect others for who they are as they are and what they have to offer. Pay close attention to what and who surrounds you. Listen with an open mind with the intent to learn something everyday.

The Insight: Humility is earned through actions.

What are your steps toward humility?

By Sheba

A Positive Perspective for Life, Love, and Relationships


Filed under Accepting, Humility

Humility . . . Is it a Lost Art?

The Scenario: Have you ever been on a date with a man who didn’t open the door for you, or pull out your chair? Have you ever held the door open for your date, or pulled out her chair and didn’t receive a thank you? It’s almost as if manners have become a lost art. When your efforts are not received with humility, it’s only natural to become frustrated.

How do you return the lost art of humility to your life?

Some describe humility as one of the highest human virtues. We will define humility as being proud to possess human characteristics such as humbleness, courteousness and modesty. Humility is never imposing, rude, arrogant or expectant.

Three steps toward humility.

1.     Make the Offer

  • Offer your attention, time, assistance, gratitude, feedback and support when needed. Those actions begin the standards for humility and servitude in your relationship.

2.     Lead by Example

  • Your actions should be an indication of what you hope to have others return to you.

3.     Do Not Judge

  • If you are not treated in the manner you hope for, do not judge the other person or waiver in your resolve to possess humility. Maintain your personal integrity and either he or she will begin to change, or you will grow tired of poor treatment.

The Insight: Practice acts of kindness and give what you hope to receive in return. Be that person in all aspects of your life that and lead others toward restoring the lost art of humility.

Can you start to restore humility in your life today?

By Sheba

A Positive Perspective for Life, Love, and Relationships


Filed under Humility, Relationships

Humility . . . Practice Something Good.

The Scenario: According to research by Molecular biologist Dean H. Hamer, Ph.D., a single gene on chromosome 11 is responsible for a personality trait called novelty or sensation seeking and another gene on chromosome 17 plays some part in regulating anxiety.

If genes are indicators of some personality traits, can we choose to possess humility or are we born with it?

Neither, according to Greek Philosopher Aristotle’s best known work on ethics, Nicomachean Ethics. He lists humility as one of the moral virtues acquired or learned by practice and not simply chosen.

Aristotle’s Moral Virtues:

  • Humility
  • Courage
  • Temperance
  • Self-discipline
  • Moderation
  • Modesty
  • Generosity
  • Friendliness
  • Truthfulness
  • Honesty
  • Justice

The Insight: According to Aristotle, we possess an innate nature to want to aim our every action toward that which is good. The theory of learning moral virtues is simple. Seek to achieve something “good” in all you do and you will be “good.” Practice humility and you will be humble. Practice truthfulness and you will be honest. Practice friendliness and you will be kind. Make the steps today to choose your path to be the person you want to be.

Do you choose to practice humility?

By Sheba

A Positive Perspective for Life, Love, and Relationships

See The Personality Genes, Time Magazine


Filed under Humility